November 02, 2017 Being Anastazia 0 Comments

Hi again.... So, I have been doing a part time job for #WIOMSA (Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association) and part of this job description is that we have to wear very weird T-shirts and black pants... So I figured Why not write an article about it?
OK so... First things first you are going to need the following props...
1. Heels or just any cute/good shoes
2. Make up
3. A good hair style
4. A good bag/purse
5. A slaying prop
So you've got all the first things first... But how is your styling?..??
One thing about me is that I am all about a signature style... I can say one of my signature styles is Tucking in...Gosh! I don't think I can wear anything without tucking in....
So I would suggest to settle for the perfect tuck... OK, because this article is specifically about the T-shirt so I'll do that one on another article...
Moving on...
So for this look, I got one of my very best tight black jean and pair it with really cute heels...
Because the T-shirt is white and the jeans is black, i decided to make that my pattern... #blackandwhite which brings me to
Second thing second...
Know your pattern, this involves colors, texture, shapes and so much more....
This for me is from H to T (head to toes) and so I picked a #blackandwhite stripped head wrap that i styled to make it look like a ribbon with a bow and wrapped it below my braids...

 I added simple make up to the look, well I didn't want to overdo my look for this job and thought a #redhudalipstick, simple mascara and a little foundation...
Accessories :Ring, Earrings & a Rozary for a neck piece 

 For me, my fav accessory would be rings... i just love opt fr your fav accessory and throw it in the look... however, make sure it is applicable to the look...
I like having a slaying prop cause it just catches attention... in this case, take a guess...
yes, its the magazines!!!